College Senate Bylaws

The name given to designate the governance structure of Capital Community College Governance System shall be the COLLEGE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM.

  1. Philosophy: The College Governance System is composed of personnel with complex and overlapping responsibilities. The College Governance System is designed to provide a channel of communication within the College among full and part time faculty, full and part time staff, student body and administration to foster a participatory decision-making process that enables the college to accomplish its mission.
  2. The primary purpose of this system is to enable the College to achieve and maintain, efficiently and effectively, excellence in its undertakings. It is an organizational structure through which College Governance System members participate in the decision-making process. This process includes but is not limited to those areas listed below:
    • Policies on Curriculum & Academic Standards
    • Departmental Budget Allocations
    • Marketing and Community Relations
    • Registration and Graduation Procedures
    • Recruitment/Retention Activities
    • Development/Planning
  3. In support of its primary purpose, the College Governance System advocates for compliance with its approved policies and reviews and investigates reported violations.

  1. Organization: The governance system shall consist of its central body, the College Senate, and several Standing Committees which report to the College Senate. The College Senate shall meet in open meetings during which any staff member will be allowed to address an issue currently before the College Senate. The College Senate meeting will be the forum for final discussion on policies or resolutions before recommendation to the CEO for action. It is also the body which approves academic program changes and new programs.
  2. The College CEO or his/her designee shall act on each College Senate recommendation and inform the Senate Chair in writing of such action in a timely manner.
  3. Operational Procedures: The College Senate and all its committees are expected to operate according to the principles of Robert’s Rules of Order except where superseded by these bylaws.

  1. Membership criterion for the College Senate is as follows: full-time employment status in a classification considered as faculty, administrator, counselor, librarian or classified staff. Faculty shall include division directors.
  2. Composition:
    • (6) Faculty
    • (4) Administrators/Counselors/Librarians
    • (2) Classified Staff
    • (1) Senator-at-large to be elected from any of the above identified units
    • (1) Part Time Faculty/Staff
  3. Elections: Candidates for membership shall be nominated by the College staff during the month of April. Call for nominations shall be issued by the chair of the College Senate. Subsequent vote shall be by secret ballot no later than May 10th.
  4. Responsibilities:
    1. Oversee the Standing committees
    2. Review the responsibilities of standing committees
    3. Forward Senate recommendations to the College CEO and CCC administration
    4. One member of the Senate should attend the executive meetings and report back to the Senate.
    5. Communicate the Senate minutes after each Senate meeting to all college employees and the student body.

  1. Purpose: The voting procedures described herein are designed to assure a fair representation of all subgroups represented by the College Governance System, such that no one group, by virtue of numbers of members or other influence, can eliminate representation by any other group.
  2. Method:
    1. Nominations for candidates from each subgroup (full and part time) faculty Administrator/Counselor/Librarian, Classified Staff) shall be submitted in advance in writing, or by motion at the spring general meeting for membership on the College Senate and for the Standing Committees. A ballot will be prepared and distributed to all voting members, containing the names and group affiliation of each nominee. All eligible members vote by submitting their ballot and checking off their names at designated voting locations on the campus. The Approval Voting system will be used, that is, the voter can vote for as many or as few candidates as the voter desires. Votes will be counted at the completion of the balloting period.
    2. The top vote getters from each subgroup (full and part time faculty, Administrators/Counselors/Librarians, Classified Staff) are selected to fill the number of vacancies. The Senator-at-large position is filled by the senate candidate who has the most votes from among the candidates that remain after all prescribed subgroup vacancies are filled. Thus each standing committee and the College Senate itself is assured of a distribution of membership, while still allowing each subgroup to increase its representation with sufficient effort and good candidates.
    3. Note that it is possible to serve on the College Senate or a committee without necessarily getting the most votes overall, but by being the highest vote getter from a particular subgroup which is specified to have membership on the College Senate/Committee.
    4. If a vacancy occurs in the Senate or on a Standing Committee and the members of the Senate or Standing Committee feel it is necessary to fill this vacancy, the following procedure will apply: the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes on the original ballot will be chosen. In the event such a candidate does not exist, or declines to serve, the Chairperson of the Senate or Committee, depending on the vacancy, may nominate an individual to serve the balance of the term, subject to Senate confirmation. Whenever possible, such nominee shall be from the same subgroup from which the vacancy occurred.
  3. Terms of Office: Elected terms of Senate and Standing Committee members shall be for two years. Senate members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms (4 years max) followed by a minimum of a one year leave before seeking election again. Overlapping terms are as a result of initial elections in the academic years 1993-94 and 1994-95.


The College Senate and each Standing Committee shall elect its own Chair at the beginning of the academic year. The Chair will designate a recorder for each meeting. The college administration will provide recorder services when possible.

  1. . Regular meetings of the College Senate shall take place monthly during the academic year (September through December and February through May). Additional meetings may be scheduled as deemed necessary. The Senate has the option of calling for an executive session; a motion must be made, seconded and a majority of Senators must agree.
  2. Agenda: The agenda of the College Senate shall be published by the Chair and generated from the following sources:
    • The Chair
    • Any College Senate member
    • Standing or Special Committees
    • Any member of the College full and part time Faculty/Staff, provided that the member secures the introduction of his/her issue through a College Senate member.
  3. Notice and Distribution of Agenda: Since action by the College Senate is the final process before submission of a recommendation to the CEO, it is vital that all college employees and the student body be fully informed of the agenda at least 3 days prior to the College Senate meeting so that they may choose to address the college Senate.



  1. All Standing Committees report to the College Senate. Except where indicated, committees do not have authority to implement actions on their own.
  2. Each committee has designated areas of responsibility. This should not be construed as a mandate to require committees to seek out issues in each of those areas, but rather as a guideline for determining to which committee any matters should be referred.
  3. Standing committees recommend policy and standards for functions executed by College Staff.
  4. The College Senate, as the deliberative body representing the college community, will have the sole authority to create any new standing committees.

Reviews standards and policies for

  • Accreditation by NEASC
  • Budget and fiscal affairs
  • Space Allocation/Facilities
  • Security/Safety
  • Marketing/Publicity/Community Relations as set by the Public Relations office
  • Parking issues
  • Graduation
    • Includes consulting with the Dean of Student Services in areas including, but not limited to; commencement speaker, marshals for commencement, honors


  • (3) faculty
  • (2) Administrators/Counselors/Librarians
  • (2) Classified staff members
  • (1) Student
  • (1) Part time faculty/staff


  • Faculty, ACL and classified staff elections shall be held in the spring. The students shall be appointed or elected by the Student Senate in the spring.


  • Development and communication of teaching techniques
    • Serve as liaison to the Center for Teaching
  • Consult with the Academic Dean and interested parties on issues regarding:
    • Academic advising
    • Changes in the faculty and staff handbook
  • Professional Development Days
  • Serve as a liaison to the Wellness Committee
  • Review standards and policies for student services related activities
    • Review changes in the student handbook distributed by the Dean of Student Services


  • (3) Faculty
  • (2) Administrators, Counselors, Librarians
  • (2) Classified Staff Members
  • (1) Student
  • (1) Part time faculty/staff


  • Staff elections shall be held in the spring. The students shall be appointed or elected by the Student Senate in the spring.


  • Develop the annual academic calendar.
  • Review proposals for:
    • changes in the core curriculum
    • new courses and programs
  • Address proposals for changes in policies regarding: (OL type=a>
  • Academic good standing
  • Academic integrity
  • Graduation requirements
  • Grading
  • Withdrawal from courses
  • Independent study
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Credit by Exam
  • Placement testing
  • Substitution of classes
  • Exemption from taking a class


  • (1) Representative from each of the college’s established academic departments and/or divisions
  • (1) Representative from Library Services
  • (1) Representative from Enrollment Services
  • (1) Representative from Counseling
  • (1) Part time faculty/staff

Because of the different traditions with respect to choosing an individual to serve on the CAPC, the member from each department or division can be appointed, elected, assigned by rotation, or any other reasonable method of designation which is acceptable to the departments.

The Academic Dean will serve in an ex officio


The Capital Technology Committee (CTC) is a standing committee that serves as a forum for discussion of technology needs and issues at Capital Community College. The committee will enhance communication regarding these issues by considering ideas and suggestions from all departments, assessing their relevance and feasibility, and recommending plans for their implementation. The committee will also serve to keep the Senate and all areas of the college informed of current projects, ideas for the future, and problem areas that need to be addressed.


  • Review policies and procedures for hardware and software purchases for classroom use based on the academic needs of the programs
  • Review and analyze appropriate technology that enables the college to achieve operational improvements and strategic priorities
  • To share information with those in member’s respective departments and discuss their communication of technological needs, concerns, and suggestions with the committee.


  • (1) Faculty/staff member from each academic department
  • (1) Representative from Academic Success Center
  • (1) Representative from Library Services
  • (1) Representative from Continuing Education
  • (1) Representative from IT/Media Services Department
  • (1) Representative from Public Relations
  • (1) Representative from Public Safety (Optional)
  • (1) Representative from Student Services
  • (1) Part time faculty/staff

Engage with the College and community at large in the following ways.

  • Advise and act as liaison to the Center for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as they provide non-academic support services for students.
  • Provide activities and make policy recommendations on issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion. Multicultural activities may include lectures, panel discussions and presentations across disciplines. These activities may include
    • Collaboration with FSSD, CFT, and other committees if appropriate.
    • Consultation with CAP on diversity issues in relation to curriculum review and enhancement.
  • Recommend policies regarding recruitment and retention of faculty, staff and students

Composition: (at least)

  • (3) Faculty members
  • (5) ACL’s or Classified Staff
  • Student Activities Director
  • Student member of the executive board of the SGA
  • (4) ex-officio members from different areas of the college such as HR, Management, or Institutional Research.


  • All members will self-nominate to the Chair of the College Senate and be selected in consultation with the President of the College. Names will be submitted to the President’s office by the Chair near the end of the spring semester with all members committing to a two (2) year appointment. During the first cycle, half the nominees will be appointed to a one (1) year term and the other half to a two (2) year term in order to maintain the alternation of terms of service for purposes of continuity.


  • To maintain active status, members must attend a minimum of half (50%) of the meetings scheduled each semester.  A person who does not attend 50% of the meetings during the semester can be removed from the committee.


  • Ongoing dialogue among faculty and staff and Administration about College priorities and goals
  • Promoting college wide understanding of the planning process among all College employees
  • Semiannual reporting on the status of the strategic plan
  • Updating of the strategic plan to include emergent strategies
  • Identifying goals for assessing institutional effectiveness, monitoring the assessment progress, and reporting on it to college community


  • (3) Faculty members
  • (1) Student
  • (1) Representative from the Academic Division, chosen by the Academic Dean
  • (1) Representative from the Continuing Education Division, chosen by the Dean of Continuing Education
  • (1) Representative from the Student Services Division, chosen by the Dean of Student Services
  • (1) Representative from the Administrative Division, chosen by the Dean of Administration
  • Director of Institutional Research
  • (1) Part time faculty/staff


  • Faculty elections shall be held in the spring. The student shall be appointed or elected by the Student Senate in the spring. Names will be submitted to the President’s office by the Chair of the Senate near the end of the spring semester with all members committing to a two (2) year appointment.
  • **During the first cycle, half the nominees will be appointed to a one (1) year term and the other half to a two (2) year term in order to maintain the alternation of terms of service for purposes of continuity.


Special Committee or Task Force Appointments: The College Senate, as the deliberative body representing the College community, will have the authority to appoint other special committees or ad hoc task force groups to address specific topics that fall either within, across or outside the areas of responsibility identified for the standing committees. College Management should receive the advice and consent of the College Senate when the former is considering the formation of an ad hoc committee.


The College Senate may designate a special committee to review this system of college governance. This committee shall present its recommendations to the entire college at a meeting called by the Chair of this Special Committee. Approval of any revision to this governance system will require a 2/3 majority of those present. Notice of this Special Meeting will be distributed at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

  1. Minutes: Following acceptance, a copy of the minutes be posted on the College website, summary in nature; however, they shall contain the complete wording of all motions.
  2. Compilation of College Senate Policies: The Chair of the College Senate shall enter all policies approved by the College Senate in an ongoing Compilation Manual to be maintained in the college library and on the college website.


Recognizing that any system of governance requires two-way communication, a College Forum will be scheduled once a year. The agenda be determined by the college Senate.

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