Department Mission
Design, develop, and implement research projects aimed at improving institutional effectiveness and decision making at Capital Community College.
Department Structure
The Office of Institutional Research is part of the office of the Chief Executive Officer. The IR Director reports directly to the Chief Executive Officer.
Department Goals
- Design, develop, and implement research projects aimed at improving institutional effectiveness.
- Design, develop, and implement statistical research methodologies in collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of institutional data to support strategic planning, assessment, and decision making at the College.
- Assist faculty with the design and implementation of the classroom assessment projects.
- Develop and maintain an accessible data-base for students and courses for decision support systems.
- Conduct research in support of the strategic planning utilizing the qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and use the results to improve academic programs, administrative, and financial services.
- Assist the department chairs and faculty to conduct research for program review process.
- Review and examine the assessment instruments. Select and administer the reliable assessment measures at the College.
Important Data
College Snapshot
College Enrollment Scorecard
a. Fall 2021 Enrollment Scorecard
College Enrollment
a. College Profile
b. Enrollment By Major (Fall & Spring Headcounts)
c. 5-Year Enrollment Trends
ii. By Age
iii. By Enrollment Status
Institutional Effectiveness
a. 10-Year Student Completions By Major
d. Student 5-Year Retention Rates
i. New Degree Seeking Student First Semester to Second Semester
ii. New Degree Seeking Student First Year to Second Year
iii. All Capital CC Students First Semester to Second Semester
iv. All Capital CC Students First Year to Second Year
e. National Student Clearing House Completions Report – 6-Year Outcomes
i. By Enrollment Status (Full-Time/Part-Time)
ii. By Gender
iii. By Age
f. Graduate Employment and Wage Report
The Economic Value of Connecticut Community Colleges
IPEDS Data Feedback Report 2022
Additional Resources
- The U.S. Census 2010
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Association for Institutional Research
- American Institutes for Research
- National Center for Educational Statistics
- The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)
Institutional Review Board
All persons, entities, agencies, and/or organizations are required to request and receive permission from the Capital Community College Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to conducting any data collection from students, staff or faculty of the college. Please read the IRB instructions and forms carefully. Completed proposals and supporting documents should be emailed to: [email protected].