Public Safety
- Public Safety
- Message from the Department of Police/Public Safety
- Clery Report
- Key Form
- How to Report a Crime
- Emergency Contacts
- Shelter-In-Place Procedures
- Run - Hide - Fight
- 960 Main Co-operative Emergency Plan
- Hazardous Materials Policy and Procedure
- Bomb Threat and Search Policy and Procedure
- Lock Down Procedure
- Medical Assistance Calls Policy and Procedure
- Sexual Assault Policy
- Notification Policy
- Policy for All-College Notification
- Crime Log Book Policy and Procedure
- Complaints and Commendations Form Policy
- Request For Services
- Meet the Team
The Public Safety Office is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of the Capital community. Please contact us with any questions and concerns.
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Department of Public Safety is to foster a partnership with the community dedicated to the maintenance of a safe educational environment. This is accomplished by providing high quality police service and proactive law enforcement that respects the dignity of each individual.
Room 102
On Campus: ** or 65075
Off Campus: (860) 906-5075
[email protected]
Welcome to the webpage of the CT State Capital Community College Department of Police/Public Safety. Every Police Officer and Public Safety Officer has made a commitment to provide the very best service possible. We pledge this Department will maintain the highest standards of performance, with transparency and encouraging an open dialogue to form positive and meaningful relationships through an open door policy.
This webpage is a resource guide for you. Here, you will find a compilation of important information about the Campus Police Department, the many services we offer to the campus community, our Policies and Procedures, as well as safety tips that we hope will be valuable in the event of an emergency. Please familiarize yourself with these procedures and through them, your responsibilities during emergencies.
Through a process of constant training, input from the campus community and routine re-evaluation, we strive to continually improve in order to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of the College and the greater community. We thank each of you for your involvement and support of our efforts.
- 2023 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2022 Statistics
- 2022 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2021 Statistics
- 2021 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2020 Statistics
- 2020 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2019 Statistics
- 2019 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2018 Statistics
- 2018 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2017 Statistics
- 2017 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2016 Statistics
- 2016 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2015 Statistics
- 2015 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2014 Statistics
- 2014 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2013 Statistics
- 2013 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2012 Statistics
- 2012 Jeanne Clery Safety Report with 2011 Statistics
Contact Public Safety from any phone in the college
Emergency is ** (star, star)
Routine is extension 5075
Emergency intercoms are located throughout the college directly under the blue lights. Push the button on the red box to contact the emergency dispatcher directly. Please do not use this for routine calls.
When reporting an incident please remember:
- Stay calm
- State your name
- Give the location of the incident
- Give the nature of the complaint—injuries
- Provide a description of the persons involved
****Please include any information regarding weapons observed-if any****
The Department of Public Safety strongly requests that you do your part by being only a witness do not get involved officers will respond to the scene quickly to investigate.
- Hartford Police Department
- Emergency: 911
- Routine: (860) 527-6300
- Hartford Fire Department
- (860) 757-4500
- State Police—-Troop H
- (860) 534-1000
- Hartford Hospital
- (860) 545-5000
- St. Francis Hospital
- (860) 714-4001
Sexual Assault Crisis Service
(Statewide 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline)
English 1-(888) 999-5545
Spanish 1-(888) 568-8332
In the event of a LOCK DOWN or SHELTER-IN-PLACE event, follow this procedures.
1. Immediately upon announcement or text advising of an event, RUN, if you have a clear path to an exit: GET OUT or leave open public space and go to the nearest room. Lock the door behind you and turn cell phones to silent or vibrate. You may go to the nearest office space or a College public restroom. Assist mobility-challenged persons. Remove yourself from plain sight; as a last resort, hide behind a pillar or under a table. If you are in a public place stay out of groups.
2. Close the blinds and turn off the lights.
3. If the door does not lock behind you, barricade it, and stick a folded belt under it to prevent entry.
4. HIDE under a desk or behind furniture: stay out of a potential line of fire from windows or doors.
5. Remain quiet and wait for instructions on your phone or from a uniformed officer. Once the door is closed: DO NOT open the door for anyone else.
6. If an intruder gets into your space—FIGHT, with any improvised weapon you can find.
Follow the Officer’s directions. Do exactly as he tells you, quickly and quietly. The perpetrator may be a fellow student or employee: the Officer does not know who the bad guy is yet.
Every situation is different; prepare in advance by having a plan and knowing where the exits are. In an intruder incident, you will be told to RUN-HIDE-FIGHT. If you have a quick, clear path out of a building, get out. If not, then shelter-in place. If you believe you may be assaulted, prepare to fight; find a weapon, and defend yourself.
For valuable tips, see the web page for the Run-Hide-Fight video. Due to the nature of our location in a high rise building, in most instances the procedure in this college is to shelter-in-place unless specifically told otherwise.
Run > Hide > Fight Video
Surviving an Active Shooter Event
To provide a standard protocol between 960 Main Street (a private enterprise) and Capital Community College for dealing with critical incidents, to include initial response, deployment, chain of command, communications, and reporting.
It is the policy of Capital Community College that responses to all emergencies will be conducted systematically and in a manner that gives primary consideration to the protection of human life.
Evacuation procedures for both sides will remain the same, except in the event of a blocked avenue of egress. In this instance patrons or students will be escorted out by way of the nearest clear exit with the help of security officers from both entities working in unison.
- Immediate notification of all incidents that may affect the welfare of any person in this building
- Lock down of all fire elevators on the first floor
- Each side will be responsible for all cross-over exit doors on their side
- Access to critical infra-structure areas to be provided to Public Safety Director or Chief Engineer
- During an emergency communications will take place on a shared frequency radio channel
- The Master Sergeant is the officer of the day in an emergency situation. If the Master Sergeant is not available, the lead officer on duty at Capital is in command of the joint operation until the arrival of City of Hartford Police/Fire.
- Upon conclusion, all reports will be filed in a timely manner.
- Reports, including video records will be available for each party, with the exception of critical information of an on-going investigation, and that information which is exempt by FERPA requirements.
***A joint de-briefing of the incident detailing causes, mitigation actions taken, and recommendations will take place as soon as is practicable after the incident.
To establish procedural guidelines to govern the proper and safe response and control of emergency situations involving suspected hazardous
Capital Community College maintains small quantities of hazardous materials located with-in the main building. The science laboratories, nursing labs, and other academic centers using chemicals are primary locations for spills and accidents. Other areas of concern include maintenance and outside vendors performing work on campus. It is the policy of the Capital Community College Department of Public Safety to act as the initial responder and then to assist City of Hartford authorities in the investigation of incidents involving hazardous materials, by participating in an incident based command operation.
Hazardous Materials Incident: Any discharge of chemical substance to the environment. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Discharge of oil or chemicals to the grounds of the college
- Volatile or gaseous release of vapors
- Fires or explosions involving hazardous materials
The communications officer will at once notify the Public Safety supervisor on duty and the Dean of Administration. 960 management and Magnet School officials will also be notified. The public safety supervisor will respond and access the situation. The Hartford Fire Department will be notified if deemed an actual Haz-Mat incident, and the supervisor will initiate a full or partial evacuation of the building. The dispatcher will stay on the phone with Hartford authorities and advise on the following:
- Exact location of the incident
- Number and extent of injuries
- Nature of the incident
The Capital Community College Department of Public Safety will maintain a full copy of “MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEETS” for hazardous materials in the operations center to assist the first outside emergency responders. This set of material data safety sheets is in addition to the set already on file in the Chemistry/Biology labs.
A public safety officer will be assigned to stand by in front of the building to provide information and assist the first responding emergency units.
At the conclusion of the incident, a detailed public safety report will be completed and forwarded to the Officers of the college. The report will also be forwarded to the proper local and state authorities, including the Department of Environmental Protection. A copy will also be provided to the college Health & Safety committee. In a timely manner the incident will be re-examined to determine how to avoid, provide better response, or mitigate damage if such incident should happen again.
In every instance that involves any personal injury or presents any future threat to the college community, notification will be sent to inform the campus about the status of the incident. Notification will be sent in a timely manner by way of college ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD or E-MAIL. This notification may be strictly for informational purpose, or it may contain important instructions for personal safety.
- Stay calm
- Instructors will evacuate the room of students at once
- Instructors will familiarize themselves to the location and use of Personal Protection Equipment and emergency lab procedures
- Do not try to fight any but the smallest of fires yourself
- Immediately evacuate and alert authorities of the nature of the incident
- Immediately notify authorities of injuries
- Notify authorities of nature of spill
- Do not hesitate to call public safety directly on the call boxes located near all elevators under the blue lights
- In a larger fire, or explosion—Pull the alarm
To provide the college with a protocol for dealing with threatened bombings to include initial response, deployment, search, evacuation, and the assistance of specialized units from outside agencies.
It is the policy of the Capital Community College Department of Public Safety that all responses to bomb threats or emergencies will be conducted systematically and in a manner that gives primary consideration to the protection of human life. Although a high number of bomb threats are later determined to be hoaxes, they all present particularly serious response requirements for officers and should be handled accordingly.
Bomb Threat: A bomb threat condition exists when an explosive device has been reported or is suspected to be on the college campus or adjacent buildings or grounds.
Bomb Emergency: A bomb emergency exists when a suspected or actual explosive device has been located or detonated.
The following procedure is to be followed by all staff, students, professors, and members of public safety.
Upon receipt of a bomb threat or complaint from an individual who has received a bomb threat, gather as much information as possible. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Any information which will assist in identifying the caller or where the caller is telephoning from
- The type, size, description, and location of the device
- What will make it detonate and when will that will occur
- The motive for placement of the device
- Description of the person delivering the device
*** A checklist has been provided and is place near college phones
Public Safety will immediately dispatch one officer and one supervisor to the area. Dispatch will then notify the Hartford Police/Fire Departments of the threat. The dispatcher will stay on the phone with emergency services until they arrive to ensure current and factual relay of information.
Responding officers shall discontinue the use of all electronic communications devices such as radios, cellular telephones one floor above and below the device’s suspected location.
The President and Dean of Administration will be notified and briefed as soon as possible. The Dean will make a decision on evacuation of the building. The Dean of Administration and the Master Sergeant will then respond to the front of the building to await the arrival of the Fire Department. If the building is to be evacuated, the standard evacuation plan is to be followed. The announcement to evacuate will be broadcast via Public Address system. The fire alarm is not to be activated. Public Safety Officers with the assistance of Floor Captains will assist all special needs persons, and ensure an orderly and complete evacuation has been made.
If the decision is made to not evacuate, the building is to be systematically searched by public safety officers and maintenance personnel. This will be performed with the assistance of the Police/Fire Officers on scene.
In the absence of the Dean of Administration, evacuation decisions will be made by the ranking public safety officer on scene.
After 5:00 p.m. weekdays and on weekends the Evening Administrator will perform the duties of the Dean of Administration.
Lock-Down Policy – Non-Fire Emergency Evacuation Procedure
PURPOSE: To establish protocol for an orderly and safe procedure in the event of a critical incident that requires an emergency evacuation or “Lock-Down” of the college.
POLICY: The Director of the Department of Public Safety or his designee will evaluate the situation and take immediate action to protect life and property. Notifications to the Dean of Administration and other officers of the college will follow as soon as the situation allows.
PROCEDURES: Immediately upon receipt of information of an incident that may pose a risk to the Capital Community. Officers will be dispatched to gather intelligence and contain the scene.
- Dispatch will make notifications to the Hartford Police Department/ Fire Department, and the Dean of Administration.
- Notifications will also be made to 960 Security as we share our building.
If it is determined that a Lock-Down is required, the Public Safety officer assigned to the lobby area will lock all lobby entrance/exit doors. He will then take a stationary post in the lobby.
The supervisor on duty will then make a determination as to the quickest and safest manner of Lock-Down notification to persons still in the college building, emergency responders, medical facilities and the surrounding community. He may use a portable PA system (bullhorn), college emergency alert system, telephones, college plasma screens, in-person notification by Public Safety Officer, or College Public Address system.
In some instances the Officer will give specific instructions for a full or partial evacuation. Persons are to follow the normal evacuation procedures in this case.
- Stairwell “A”. This stairwell will exit onto Main Street. All people using these exits will cross the street to Main and Trumbull Street.
- Stairwell “B”. This stairwell exits onto Talcott Street. All people using this stairwell will go to the lot area located at Main and Talcott Street.
- Stairwell “D”. This stairwell will exit behind the Richardson Building/Marriott Residence Inn. People using this stairwell will go through the parking areas and down to Market Street.
- Stairwell “D1”. This stairwell will exit onto Main Street. People using this stairwell will go South on Main Street towards State House Square.
- Stairwell “H”. The Laboratory School will exit Stairwell H and go down Market Street.
**IMPORTANT—Listen carefully to the directions given by Public Safety Officers and Floor Captains.
HANDICAPPED PERSONS: Follow the normal procedure by reporting to the designated area.
- Floor Captains and Public Safety will bring all handicapped persons to the D1 Stairwell or elevator entrance. The exact number and location of persons needing assistance is to be logged with the communications officer and relayed directly to the supervisor.
- Public Safety Officers will assist in evacuation or stay with special needs persons until they reach safety.
- Evacuation Route maps are located on the wall near all elevators.
- Direct communication can be made by pressing the button on the boxes located on each floor below the blue lights
**Public Safety are trained in the safe evacuation of handicapped persons via the Evac-U-Trac chairs.
In the event of an actual Lock-Down all persons will:
- Stay exactly where they are at the moment notification of a lock-down is received
- Close and lock all doors from the inside
- Lock windows, close all blinds, shades
- Turn off all lights in the room
- Call 911 to give location, then turn all cell-phone volume down or to vibrate mode
- Fold a belt or other object under the door as an additional doorstop
- Lay flat on the floor, under a desk if possible
- Lay down in a place not in a direct line of sight from a window or door
- Stay very quiet
- Under no circumstance is a door to be opened
- Stay on the floor until uniformed emergency personnel arrive
***Once you have exited the building please move to a safe location away from the building and emergency officers.
***Command of the scene is to be turned over at once to the Hartford Police or Fire Commander upon their arrival.
To establish procedural guidelines for handling medical assist calls received by this department.
It is the policy of the Capital Community College department of Public safety to respond to all calls for medical assistance on the college campus. The officers of the Department of Public Safety have all been trained as first responders, and in the past have provided valuable, lifesaving aid and treatment to the college community.
- The dispatcher will at once notify an officer and a supervisor to all medical calls on the campus.
- The dispatcher will notify E.M.S. to respond, relating all known information about the victim, the illness or injury and location of incident. The dispatcher will stay on the phone with E.M.S. if possible.
- The first responding Public Safety Officer is in charge of the scene. This is regardless of other persons or instructors who may be on scene. The officer, at his discretion may ask for the assistance of other persons in the area if he deems that necessary.
- Instructors will clear the classroom of other students to protect the privacy of the victim, and to insure proper care is given without interruption from on-lookers.
- A public Safety officer will “hold” an elevator and meet E.M.S. in the lobby to escort them to the scene.
- The Investigating officer will file a detailed report that includes names of the victim and any witness to accidents. Information as to the nature of the illness or injury, location, time, and other important information that should be documented.
In some instances, a victim will decline the offer for an ambulance for transport. If the officer believes that the injury is severe enough to warrant transport, an ambulance will be summoned to the scene. The victim may then decline transport directly to E.M.S. after signing a “Waiver of Treatment” form.
PURPOSE: This policy is maintained in order to facilitate a standard procedure to effectively deal with the threat of sex offenders on the campus of this college.
POLICY: In compliance with State of Connecticut Community-Technical Colleges Board of Trustees, this policy is included in the Capital Community College Student Handbook is BOT policy 5.13, in accordance with the State of Connecticut Section 1601 of Public Policy Law 106-386, the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act. This act requires sex offenders who are already required to register under the terms of the State’s “Megan’s Law” to provide notice to each institution of higher education where they are enrolled as a student or employed. This institution is proactive in efforts to identify sex offenders and to assure compliance with this law.
PROCEDURE: Each semester, the Master Sergeant will compare a list of persons enrolled in the college, to the State of Connecticut Sex Offenders Registry. If an individual from the registry is found to be a student at the college, his/her name will be submitted to the Dean of Students. A meeting of the college Sex Offender Threat Assessment Team will be called as soon as possible. The Threat Assessment Team will investigate the particular circumstances of each of the identified offenders, and determine if that person constitutes a continued threat to the college community. Based on the results of this determination, the Threat Assessment Team shall prepare a report with a recommendation. The State System legal staff will then be consulted prior to implementing further action. If the offender is deemed not to be a threat, then no further action will be taken.
The Threat Assessment Team shall consist of the following;
- The Dean of Administration
- The Dean of Students
- The Director of Public Safety
Sexual assault is any actual or attempted non-consensual sexual activity including but not limited to intercourse, sexual touching, exhibitionism or sexual language of a threatening nature. Force, coercion or threat (actual or implied) often accompanies sexual assault. The perpetrator may be known or unknown to the victim and may involve “date rape”.
Capital Community College will protect the confidentiality of the victim.
Capital Community College will vigorously investigate all complaints of sexual assault
Capital Community College will provide continued support to the victim in the form of informed access to choice of medical care, the court system, your legal rights, and counseling options.
To establish protocol for timely and uniform dissemination of information to the Officers of the College and community.
The Department of Public Safety will make prompt notification of any unusual incident or dangerous condition directly to the Dean of Administration. The Dean will then notify the other Deans of the College and the President. It is the policy of this Department to release all information to the community as quickly as possible.
The Department of Public Safety Director or his designee will make a written report and disseminate to all Deans of the College and President of any condition that may impact the safety or good order of the community.
- The Dean of Administration will notify and consult with the Deans of the College. The Dean of Administration will notify and consult with the President.
- The Director of Public Safety and Dean of Administration will promptly release information to the community.
- Release of information will be sent via e-mail, or electronic message boards located on each floor of the building. Information may also be released via the Public Information Officer by radio or T.V. The medium used to release the information will be based on the individual circumstance of each situation.
- Information of a sensitive or personal nature regarding a student or employee will not be released to the public.
- Names and addresses of complainants and crime victims will not be released.
- Information that may negatively impact an on going investigation will not be released, unless failure to release could constitute a danger to the College Community.
- No information will be released as a result of pressure from any group. Information will be released only after it has been verified as a true and factual account of an incident.
To maintain clear lines of communication, and notifications procedures to the staff and students of the college in the event of an emergency.
It is the policy of this department to make timely notifications of all incidents that may affect the welfare of the college community. All-college e-mails are just one of the avenues used in this process. No officer will send any communications to the entire college without approval of a supervisor. Rank seniority will determine the officer responsible for college notifications in the absence of the Director.
The Master Sergeant is responsible for college notifications. In his absence, the lead officer on duty at the time of the incident is responsible for college notifications. If there is no lead officer on duty, the next senior officer will make every effort to contact a supervisor by phone. He will then notify the Dean of Administration and follow the instructions of the Dean.
- No e-mails are to be sent all-college by any public safety officer except in an emergency situation or permission of the Master Sergeant
- The Dean of Administration is to be notified prior to sending information whenever possible
- The Director or Lead Officer on duty holds the ultimate responsibility for notifications and content
Effective immediately, all entries of a patrol or reports of any crime will be entered into the new daily crime log book.
Each shift will make the first entry a notation of the date and Officers on duty… The swing shift Officer will log only his own name and on-duty time. Officers will note any missing or damaged equipment in the book, prior to going on patrol.
Entries will include:
- Building Checks
- Garage and parking area checks
- Patrol Assignments
- Reports of Crimes
- Calls for Service
- Alarms
Reports of crimes will include the nature of the call, location of call, officers responding and disposition of the call.
Officers are reminded that this is an official log. All entries are a permanent record.
This log book is open for examination by any member of staff, students, or the public at any time during regular business hours.
Requests to view incidents that are more than 60 days prior will be delayed for a period of one business day.
Under no circumstance is this book to leave the control room. No part of this book is to be photocopied. Any violation will result in discipline.
This book is an official record that documents a major part of our work product. As such, all entries will be neat, professional, with proper spelling, and legible.
Capital Community College welcomes commendations regarding officers of the department, as well as complaints of officer misconduct or violations of department policy. We place a high value on input from the public, in order to better serve the needs of the college.
Commendations and complaints may be directed to the Master Sergeant in person, phone, or writing. Commendations and complaints may also be filed with the Dean of Administration (860) 906-5050 or the Director of Human resources at (860) 906-5002.
Capital Community College expects a very high level of professional conduct from all officers. Our officers often perform their duties in an exceptional manner exceeding the high standards of the department. To commend an officer, a citizen can submit a letter or request to speak to a supervisor. The commendation will then be forwarded to the Director of Public Safety.
Capital Community College Department policy calls for prevention of misconduct. The purpose of this policy is to maintain the quality of police services to the highest professional standard, and to ensure future behavior that conforms to the goals and standards of the department. A complaint will be accepted in any form, in person, by letter, or phone. The complainant may remain anonymous. We ask that as much information as possible be given concerning the incident in question. Please include date, time, and officer name— if known. This will assist us to investigate. Complaints should be filed only by those who are directly involved or an eyewitness to an incident.
Actions Taken
- All complaints will be investigated promptly by a supervisor
- The complainant will be interviewed
- The nature and facts of the incident will be documented
- Results of the investigation will be reduced to writing
- Results are reviewed by the Master Sergeant and Human Resource Director
- The Officer is informed of the findings
- The complainant is notified of the findings—in writing
- Department Policy reviewed to correct and prevent similar future issues
It is the policy of Capital Community College that all complaints will be reviewed in a fair and impartial manner. All investigations will be fully documented and proper action taken resulting from the findings.
Actions Taken by the College may include
- Positive Discipline—Training
- New or revised Policy and Procedure
- Negative Discipline
- Recommendation to State’s Attorney in Criminal Investigations
- No Action in complaints not sustained or false complaints
The Department of Public Safety will provide an officer to speak to any class or college gathering. The officer will answer any questions or concerns regarding safety issues at the college. The officer will also provide practical advice, safety tips, and what do if you are the victim or witness to a crime.
The Department will also independently conduct classes on various topics of concern to the community.
Lost & Found
The Department of Public Safety is in charge of the college’s lost and found. If you find an item that you believe someone has lost, please drop it off with a Security Officer or bring to our office. If you have lost an item, please stop by our office to see if it has been brought to us.
Officers are available to escort staff, students, and guests to and from local parking areas. You may call ahead of time for an officer to meet you.
Engraving Items
Officers will mark your personal items for easy identification and theft protection. (i.e. a social security or owner’s initials on a laptop computer)

Carmen Escobar – Building and Grounds Officer

Jesus Velasquez – Police Officer

Kenneth Carter – Police Officer

Kristen Manfredi – Police Officer

Michael Francis – Building and Grounds Officer

Scott Dorio – Building and Grounds Officer

Steve Vesco – Police Sergeant