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Strategic Plan 02-06

Updated with Accomplishments Through June, 2005

Vision | Mission | Goals | Accomplishments

Vision Statement:

Recognized as integral to the Hartford region, Capital Community College will become the premier urban community college in New England. The college will create a vibrant and rich educational experience for students by linking college programs with downtown cultural, educational and artistic venues.


Mission Statement:

The Mission of Capital Community College is to provide quality affordable education to the diverse residents of metropolitan Hartford. The college does this by:

  • offering associate degree and certificate programs, and workforce training to prepare individuals for transfer education, and careers;
  • maintaining programs and support services that enable students to develop learning and critical thinking skills, self-confidence, personal growth, and cultural enrichment;
  • Fostering an environment committed to learning and teaching, the collegial process, and the respectful and vigorous dialogue which nourishes active participation and service to society.


Strategic Goal Areas

I. Provide High Quality Instruction

To offer high quality academic programs leading to transfer, career preparation or job advancement.

  1. Improve classroom teaching through instructional innovation.
  2. Improve the quality of academic programs by the reorganization of instructional departments and the assignment of full-time faculty and staff to them.
  3. Improve the quality of instruction through the continuous assessment of student learning outcomes.
  4. Use assessment data to improve instruction and services to students.
  5. Carry out the academic program plan.
  6. Utilize technology to improve instruction
  7. Improve the quality of instruction through professional development.

II. Assure Student Success

To ensure that students have the institutional support necessary to reach their educational goals.

  1. Increase student retention by 3% per year.
  2. Increase users of online services including financial aid, admissions, registration.
  3. Increase admission yield.
  4. Ensure student success through effective academic advising.
  5. Expand articulation agreements to facilitate the transfer of our students into baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.
  6. Assess and improve student engagement with the institution.
  7. Assess and improve student learning in academic support areas.

III. Secure Sufficient Resources

To maintain sufficient resources to achieve the college’s mission and to carry out the strategic plan.

  1. Increase student credit enrollment to sustain revenue.
  2. Establish and maintain a financial position that meets both short and long-term liabilities inclusive of yearly planning initiatives.
  3. Establish Continuing Education as a self-supporting center.
  4. Build endowment.
  5. Acquire additional space for projected enrollment expansion.
  6. Optimize enrollment in the space currently available.

IV. Advance the vitality of the metropolitan Hartford

To establish partnerships of mutual benefit to the college and the Hartford region.

  1. Serve area businesses with workforce training for incumbent and new workers.
  2. Partner with area high schools to enhance public education and increase access to higher education.
  3. Collaborate with area colleges and universities on regional public policy initiatives.

V. Achieve Institutional Effectiveness

To monitor the achievement of the college mission and purpose through the collection and analysis of data and the use of these results for further improvement.

  1. Create a strategic financial plan to forecast college resources needs.
  2. Monitor college operations through an annual budgeting process.
  3. To improve staff performance, invest in employee professional development. Create institutional professional development plan; increase professional education and training (Note: this includes adjunct faculty training).
  4. Broadly publicize strategic plan and monitor goal attainment. Distribute to various constituencies.
  5. Create and implement a college marketing plan (This plan will emphasize direct marketing, distributing program pamphlets, increased use of online information for prospective students.).
  6. Complete NEASC pilot project on learning outcomes assessments; publicize results to college community and other colleges.
  7. Assess effectiveness and efficiency of support services including IT Services, Media Services, Human Resources, Business Office, Purchasing Department, Mail Room, Institutional Research, Public Relations, Maintenance, and Public Safety and improve as indicated by the assessment.
  8. Improve the working environment.
  9. Revise and implement technology plan.



Objective Ia - Improve classroom teaching through instructional innovation.
Measure Status
By 2006, increase the semester retention rate from 60% to 65% through the introduction of instructional innovations including: classroom assessment techniques, supplemental instruction, and use of data on student learning styles. Accomplished: Student retention fall 04 -spring 05: all students: 69%. Student retention fall 04 - spring 05: IDS & LC students: 74%.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increase the number of first-time matriculating students enrolling in a 3 credit College Success Course (fall+spring) based on developmental advising principles to 311. 2005: 235 Students.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increase the number of student receiving tutoring assistance by 25 percentage points over the 2000 baseline. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Include credit-bearing internships in all programs. 2005: All programs except Architectural Engineering Technology have internships.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increase the number of first-time matriculating student enrollment in learning communities (fall+spring) to 330. Accomplished 2004: 474 students in learning communities.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)


Objective Ib - Improve the quality of academic programs by the reorganization of instructional departments and the assignment of full-time faculty and staff to them.
Measure Status
Increase the percentage of full-time faculty from by 2%. 2004: Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Improve academic leadership by establishing adding 2 fulltime administrator positions in the academic departments and adding program coordinators for all programs. We are currently searching for one Division Director.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)

Establish an administrative structure for developmental education.

The Division Director noted above will be responsible for developmental education.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)


Objective Ic - Improve the quality of instruction through the continuous assessment of student learning outcomes.
Measure Status

Increase the number of programs that have completed the revised program review process from two to 100%.

Nursing, Radiology Technology Paramedic, Medical Assisting, Social Services, BOT, Architectural Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering Technology, Chemical Technology, Early Childhood Education, ESL, Management and CIS completed.
In progress: Accounting
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Graduates taking state/national Licensure/Certificate examinations will maintain or exceed the 80% pass rate. 2004: Nursing, Radiology Technology, Paramedic met goal.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Implement the summative assessment of student learning for all programs. 2005: Nursing, Radiology, ESL, Medical Asst., Paramedic, Social Services, completed.
Other programs: In progress.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Complete assessment of general education competencies of students. 2005: Completed.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)


Objective Id - Use assessment data to improve instruction and services to students.
Measure Status
Increase the percentage of students writing at the "proficient" level from 40% as found in the 2001/2 assessment to 45 % through planned interventions. 2005: In progress. “Writing across the curriculum” and a re-designed liberal arts program have been established to improve writing.
(Dean Affleck)
Establish a) English 101 as a pre-requisite for all courses with significant writing requirements and b) placement into a college level mathematics course as a prerequisite for all courses with significant mathematical content. 2005: Objective was modified and is in progress. The modified objective requires English 101 as a pre-requisite or the highest developmental English course as a co-requisite for courses with significant writing content. The highest level development English course was made a co-requisite for most social science courses and mathematics pre-requisites have been put in place for several science courses.
(Dean Affleck)
Increase student satisfaction with instruction from by 5 percentage points from the fall, 2002 baseline. 2005. This objective was modified by replacing the course evaluations with CCSSE as the measure of satisfaction. Work in now in progress.
(Dean Affleck)
Increase the graduation rate of terminal degree programs by 5% through implementation of the program review recommendations. In progress. Will be computed in 2006. Medical Assisting has already reported a 300% increase in the graduation rate.
(Dean Affleck)


Increase the transfer rate of transfer programs by 3% through the implementation of program review recommendations. In progress. Will compute in 2006. The major transfer programs were significantly modified in 2005.
(Dean Affleck)


Objective Ie - Carry out the academic program plan by...
Measure Status
Increase enrollment in the ESL program by 3%. In progress. A joint summer program with the Continuing Education Division is being developed to meet this objective.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increase enrollment in the Liberal Arts Degree: Ethnic Studies Sequence by 5%. In progress.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increasing enrollment in technical programs by 5% by establishing two new technical degree programs. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increasing enrollment in the criminal justice area by 5% by converting the current option into a Criminal Justice Degree Program. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)

Increasing enrollment in the CDA Program by 5%.

In progress.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Partnering with the Hartford Stage Company and other area arts groups to offer one course/program. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Increase enrollment in the Paramedic Program by 3% by converting it into a statewide program. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)

Increasing enrollment by 5% in the Business Degree Program by adding an additional option.

Option sent to BOT for approval.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)


Objective If - Utilize technology to improve instruction by...
Measure Status

Increasing the percentage of faculty using WebCT course management software from 0% to 50 %.

During the Fall 2004 semester, 86 individual faculty members actively used WebCT for some or all of their course activities. These 86 faculty members equaled 51% of an approximate total of 170 full and part-time faculty that semester. These 86 faculty members used WebCT in 132 course sections (32% of all course sections). Total “duplicated headcount” enrollment in these sections was 3,570 (37% of the total duplicated headcount).
Students accessed the WebCT course materials nearly 272,000 times (represented as web “hits”). “Web hit” data was provided by the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, which hosts the WebCT server for the Connecticut Community Colleges. The System Distance Learning Council (co-chaired by Steven Minkler) established statistical benchmarks to identify active WebCT use at the Colleges, which led to the data provided above.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Offer access to streaming media in all classrooms and on-line. The IT and AMT departments are working with the System Data Center to release the use of the streaming media system outside the College firewall and to off-campus users in time for the Fall 2005 semester.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)


Objective Ig - Improve the quality of instruction through professional development.
Measure Status
Establishing an adjunct mentoring program organized by discipline. 2004: Initial efforts in the Humanities, Science and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences and through the Center for Teaching.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)
Offering one required orientation session per semester for adjuncts that includes a focus on instructional techniques and expectations. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck & Academic Division)




Objective IIa - Increase student retention by 3% per year.
Measure Status

By 9/30/05, increase the number of first time students retained from fall-to-fall from 44 % to 53% through improved and comprehensive student success program integrating student support and instruction.

2004: 51%.
(Deans Affleck & Arrington)


Objective IIb - Increase users of online services including financial aid, admissions, registration.
Measure Status
Number of students applying for financial aid online; number registering online. Accomplished.
(Dean Arrington & Division )


Objective IIc - Increase admission yield.
Measure Status
By fall 2005, increase the “enrollment yield” of the admissions process from 70% to 78% through improved intake and admissions processes. Accomplished.
(Dean Arrington & Division )


Objective IId - Ensure student success through effective academic advising.
Measure Status
Ensure student success through effective academic advising. In Progress.
(Dean Affleck / Academic Division )
Increase the number of first-time matriculating students with individualized educational plans from 0% in 200 to 311. 2005: 235.
(Dean Affleck / Academic Division )

Increase the percentage of full-time faculty trained in techniques for advising under-prepared students by seventy percentage points over the 2000 baseline.

In Progress.
(Dean Affleck / Academic Division )


Objective IIe - Expand articulation agreements to facilitate the transfer of our students into baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.
Measure Status
Finalize agreements with University of Connecticut, West Hartford. Accomplished.
(President, Deans Affleck & Arrington)

Participate in development of system to system agreements with the Connecticut State University and the University of Connecticut.

(President, Deans Affleck & Arrington)


Objective IIf - Assess and improve student engagement with the institution.
Measure Status
Administer CCSSE to a representative sample, plan and implement interventions indicated by CCSSE data. 2004/6: CCSSE administered. Based on data, Achieving the Dream strategies were formulated.
(Deans Affleck & Arrington)


Conduct student leadership training. 2005 Accomplished and ongoing.
(Deans Affleck & Arrington)


Objective IIg - Assess and improve student learning in academic support areas.
Measure Status
Assess student learning in the Learning Center, Library, and Counseling Center. Accomplished in the library. In progress elsewhere.
(Deans Affleck & Arrington)
Assess use student surveys that they completed at the point of service. Accomplished.
(Dean Arrington)



Objective IIIa - To sustain revenue, increase student credit enrollment.
Measure Status
Credit FTE enrollment will increase by 9% from 2002-2005. Accomplished. Credit FTE enrollment increase 19% from spring 2002 to spring 2005.
(President, Deans Affleck & Arrington)


Objective IIIb - Establish and maintain a financial position that meets both short and long-term liabilities inclusive of yearly planning initiatives.
Measure Status
The Board of Trustees for Community Technical Colleges unrestricted net asset policy.  This policy requires an unrestricted net asset balance to be maintained at zero except to restore the required current ratio, cover outstanding encumbrances and authorized reserves for future use. Fiscal year 2004 unrestricted net assets are $ - 983k, this amount is 36% better than fiscal year 2003.
(Dean Primus)


Objective IIIc - Establish Continuing Education as a self-supporting center.
Measure Status
Generate revenue to match expenses including $300,000.00 in general fund salaries. Achieved / Exceeded each year.
(Dean Guzzo)


Objective IIId - Build endowment.
Measure Status
Reach endowment of $750,000 by October 05. 2004: Passed the $500,000 mark.
(J. McNamara)


Objective IIIe - Acquire additional space for projected enrollment expansion.
Measure Status
Complete plans for Flatbush renovation or obtain funds to purchase additional space downtown. The College was awarded in calendar year 2004 Six million dollars to purchase additional space.  February 2005, negotiations have begun to acquire 40,000 square feet.
(Dean Primus)


Objective IIIf - Optimize enrollment in the space currently available.
Measure Status
Establish a " Weekend College" offering hybrid on-site/online programs in CIS, Social Services and Library Technical Assistant. Accomplished.
(Deans Affleck, Arraington & Primus)
Terminate chronically under-enrolled programs. Accomplished.
(Dean Affleck)



Objective IVa - Serve area businesses with workforce training for incumbent and new workers.
Measure Status
Increase by five each year the number of businesses served. Accomplished / exceeded each year.
(Dean Guzzo)


Objective IVb - Partner with area high schools to enhance public education and increase access to higher education.
Measure Status
Number of high school students served through partnerships. Accomplished.
(Deans Afleck, Arrington & Guzzo)


Objective IVc - Collaborate with area colleges and universities on regional public policy initiatives.
Measure Status
Participate in Hartford Consortium for Higher Education’s Regional Initiative. Accomplished. The College is a partner in nine local initiatives with the Hartford Public Schools to ensure student success.
Encourage college employees and students to participate in community service. In Progress.



Objective Va - Create a strategic financial plan to forecast college resources needs.
Measure Status
The development of a five-year financial plan. In Progress.
(Dean Primus)


Objective Vb - Monitor college operations through an annual budgeting process.
Measure Status
Implement annual budget process with monthly reports. Accomplished.
(Dean Primus)


Objective Vc - To improve staff performance, invest in employee professional development. Create institutional professional development plan; increase professional education and training (Note: this includes adjunct faculty training).
Measure Status
Priorities for professional development; number of individuals. During this period there were eighty (80) participants (Faculty and Community College Professionals) approved for professional development activities. Nine (9) employees were approved and received set-aside resources for technical training and retraining as part of professional development
(Rubin Fisher)


Objective Vd - Broadly publicize strategic plan and monitor goal attainment. Distribute to various constituencies
Measure Status

Broadly publicize strategic plan and monitor goal attainment.

(President & Deans)


Objective Ve - Create and implement a college marketing plan (This plan will emphasize direct marketing, distributing program pamphlets, increased use of online information for prospective students.).
Measure Status
Implementation of new plan. In Progress, need re-build the Marketing Plan Team.


Objective Vf - Complete NEASC pilot project on learning outcomes assessments; publicize results to college community and other colleges.
Measure Status
Completion of project; number of presentations. Accomplished. Published on Web-site.
(Dean Affleck)


Objective Vg - Assess effectiveness and efficiency of support services including IT Services, Media Services, Human Resources, Business Office, Purchasing Department, Mail Room, Institutional Research, Public Relations, Maintenance, and Public Safety and improve as indicated by the assessment.
Measure Status

By 5/30/04,

  • Assess internal and external customer satisfaction with the above referenced services.
  • Implement changes as indicated.

Due to staff changes, part one of this objective was not accomplished:

Media Services did complete an assessment and reported high levels of satisfaction. Details available in the Media Services Offices.
( Institutional Research Office, with cooperation of President, Deans Primus, Affleck, Arrington and Rubin Fisher )


Objective Vh - Improve the working environment.
Measure Status

Activity: Assess effectiveness of college communication. Implement changes to improve communication.

Due to staff changes, a comprehensive plan to meet this objective was not implemented. There were, however, task accomplishments that contributed to meeting this overall objective.
( President and Rubin Fisher )


Objective Vi - Revise and implement technology plan.
Measure Status
Completion of plan and installation of equipment. The effort to implement IT structure and equipment into our new location was underestimated.  A plan will be developed for Fall 2006.
( Dean Primus, IRMC)


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