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General Education

The College has identified core competencies for all graduates. To assess student progress toward these competencies, the Assessment Implementation Team or individual departments annually implement course-embedded assessment of selected general education goals and the results are used for interventions to improve student learning. For more information on assessment of General Education, see the Student Learning Assessment Team website.

Goals & Objectives

Upon successful completion of any degree program, the student will Assessment Methods and Findings
Assessment Methods and Findings
1. Communicate effectively
    1.1 display a command of the English language
    1.2 utilize current communication technology
    1.3 present ideas and information orally and in writing in accordance with standard usage
    1.4 organize and present ideas and information (including those gained from research) effectively
Writing Rubric

Common Writing Assignment Report

CIS 105, Using Microcomputers
2. Reason scientifically and or quantitatively
    2.1 demonstrate understanding of mathematical and or scientific principles
    2.2 apply these principles to the solution of problems in academic work and everyday life
    2.3. interpret numeric information presented in graphic forms
    2.4 apply scientific methods to the inquiry process.
Math Rubric

Science Rubric

Common Math
Executive Summary
3. Think critically
    3.1 read, analyze and understand complex ideas
    3.2 use information technology appropriately
    3.3 locate, evaluate and apply research information
    3.4 draw inferences from facts
    3.5 evaluate and present well-reasoned arguments
Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking
Assessment Summary
and Recommendations

4. Develop a global perspective
    4.1 recognize differences and relationships among cultures
    4.2 recognize the role diversity plays in the development of the United States and in everyday social life
    4.3 recognize the relationships among events and values in different eras.
Global Perspective

Global Perspective Report

In 2001, the College started developing baseline assessments of each of the four General Education goals. These assessments are embedded in the syllabi of multiple courses across the disciplines, and their results are analyzed for information that can lead to curricular and policy improvements.
  • In the 2001/2 academic year, written communication was the focus, assessed through a common writing project in diverse courses. Details on this assessment activity are found in the Common Writing Assignment Report.
  • In the 2002/3 academic year, mathematical skills were similarly assessed, with details available in the Common Math Assignment: Executive Summary
  • In 2003/4, critical thinking was assessed. For more information on the assessment, see the Critical Thinking Assessment Summary and Recommendations.
  • In 2004/5, global awareness will be under examination (see Global Perspective Rubric). Reports on this assessment will be posted along with other information about student learning assessment projects both here and at the Assessment Team's homepage: Student Learning Assessment Implementation Team.
  • The rubrics that guide scoring of student work toward each of these General Education goals were negotiated by faculty across the disciplines, and can be found at the General Education Goals Page.
  • Computer-related skills are routinely assessed in Computer and Information Systems 105, Using Microcomputers (access restricted). CIS 105 is a foundational requirement in all Business and Technology programs and fulfills a general education requirement in Liberal Arts and most other programs. To assess skills and knowledge of students completing this course, the Business and Technology Department uses a single instrument to look at student performance across all sections.

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